Partial Wave Formalism Papers
- Positivity conditions on the spin density matrix: A simple paramtrization
- S.U. Chung and T.L. Trueman, Phys. Rev. D 11, 633, (1975).
- Covariant tensor formalism for partial wave analyses of
decays to mesons
- B.S. Zou and D.V. Bugg, hep-ph/0211457, (2002)
- Spin Formalisms
- Suh-Urk Chung, BNL-QGS-02-0900, (2002)
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- Treatment of Particles with Spin in the Final State:
Sequential Decays involving
-> +
o and N
- Suh-Urk Chung, BNL-QGS-04-0915, (2004)
- Partial wave decomposition of pion and photoproduction amplitudes
- A. Ansiovich, E.Klempt, A.Sarantsev and U.Thoma (2002)
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