Goodness of Fit Papers
Jerome H. Friedman
- Subject:Goodness of Fit
- Date:December 1973.
- Measurement of multivariate scaling and factorization in
exclusive multiparticle production
- Phys. Rev D9, 3053, (1974)
Mark F. Schilling
- Subject:Nearest Neighbor
- Date:March 1983.
- An Infinite-Dimensional Approximation for Nearest Neighbor Goodness of Fit Tests
- The Annals of Statistics,
Vol. 11, No. 1 (Mar., 1983), pp. 13-24.
Mark F. Schilling
- Subject:Nearest Neighbor
- Date:Spetember 1986.
- Multivariate Two-Sample Tests Based on Nearest Neighbors
- Journal of the American Statistical
Association, Vol. 81, No. 395 (Sep., 1986), pp. 799-806.
B. Aslan and G. Zech
- Subject:Energy Test
- Date:April 2003.
- A new class of binning-free, multivariate goodness-of-fit tests:
the energy tests
- arXiv:hep-ex/0203010
I. Narsky
- Subject:Nearest Neighbor
- Date:June 2003.
- Estimation of Goodness-of-fit in multi-dimensional analysis using distance
to nearest neighbor
- arXiv:physics/0306171
B. Aslan and G. Zech
- Subject:Energy Test
- Date:September 2003.
- A new test for the multivariate two-sample problem based on the concept
of minimum energy.
- arXiv:math/0309164
K. Kinoshita
- Subject:Random Walk
- Date:September 2003.
- An unbinned goodness-of-fit test based on the random walk
- From SLAC
- arXiv:physics/0312014
I. Narsky
- Subject:Nearest Neighbor
- Date:September 2003.
- Goodness of Fit: What do we really want to know?
- From SLAC
M. Williams and C.A. Meyer
- Subject:Likelihood Fits
- Date:June 2008.
- An ad-hoc method for obtaining &chi 2 values from unbinned
maximum likelihood fits
- arXiv:08070015