Miscelaneous Hardware Articles
- Subject:Straw Tube Detectors
- Date:June '99.
- M. Akatsu, et al.
- Subject:Cherenkov Counters
- Date:April '99.
- Time Propogation Cherenkov Counter for Particle
- D. Vranic
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:June 1997.
- Drift Distortions in ALICE TPC Field Cage.
- X. Bittl et al.
- Subject: Radial Drift TPC
- Date: March 1997
- Diffusion and drift studies of Ar-DME/CO2/CH4 gas
mixtures for a radial TPC in the E perpindicular to V field.
- P. Szymanski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:November 1998.
- Study of the precision of positioning of Ring-Cathode Chambers
for the TPC prototype for ALICE.
- Marek Kowalski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:November 1997.
- Particle Identification in ALICE TPC.
- P. Szymanski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:March 1998.
- Study of Analog-to-Digital converters for the TPC prototype
for ALICE.
- P. Szymanski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:March 1998.
- Study of test results for preamplifiers for the TPC
prototype for ALICE.
- P. Szymanski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:November 1998.
- Selection of preamplifier chips to be used for the ALICE TPC
- J. Baechler, H. Fischer and M. Kowalsk
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:October 1997.
- Computation of ionization-load in the traditional TPC and the
RCC readout.
- Marek Kowalski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:November 1996.
- dE/dx Resolution and Particle Separation in ALICE TPC.
- Marek Kowalski
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:October 1996.
- ALICE TPC Slow SImulator.
- Alice Collaboration
- Subject:Alice TPC
- Date:.
- .
- F. Paul Brady and Juan L. Romero
- Subject: Radial Drift TPC
- Date: June 1994
- Expressions for Diffusion in Radial Drift TPC's.
- James E. Draper
- Subject:STAR TPC
- Date:March 1992.
- Approximate Equations of Diffusion and Magnetic Deflection
in Radial-Drift TPC.
- Peter G. Jones
- Subject:STAR TPC
- Date:March 1994.
- STAR TPC Tracking Capability in High Multiplicity Events.
- N.H. Hamann, et al.
- Subject:Straw Tube Detectors
- Date:March 1994.
- The Jetset Drift-Tube ("Straw") Chamber.