CLEO Papers

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Tau Decays.
Date:October '99.
Hadronic Structure in the decay - - 0 .

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Tau Decays.
Date:August '99.
Structure functions in the decay +- +- 0 0 .

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Tau Decays.
Date:August '99.
Resonant structure of 3 0 and 3 .

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Eta-Prime Decays.
Date:July '99.
Rare decays of the '.

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Tau Decays.
Date:October '98.
Study of 3-prong Hadronic Decays with Charged Kaons.

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Photoproduction of f0(980).
Date:May '98.
Phys. Rev. Lett 81,(1998),3328.
Further Search for the Two-Photon Production of the Glueball Candidate fJ(2220).

The CLEO Collaboration
Subject:Photoproduction of f0(980).
Date:March '97.
Limit on the Two-Photon Production of the Glueball Candidate fJ(2220) at CLEO.